Nabi صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم’s guidance about Qust
Arabic words written in below references are the words mentioned in respected Hadees. You can confirm the references of Hadees at sunna.com & Al-Maktab Al-Shamilah (المكتبة الشاملة) also.
Hijamah & Qust Al-Bahri, the best treatments
1. Hazrat Anas Bin Malik رضي الله عنه says that Nabi صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم said Hijamah (الحجامة) (Cupping) & Qust Al Bahri (البحرى القسط) (Costus) are the best of your treatments. : Reference Musnad Ahmed: 12906.
Treat Zaatul Janb with Qust Al-Bahri, Zait (Olive oil) & Warss
2. Hazrat Zaid Bin Arqam رضي الله عنه says that Rasool Allah صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم advised, as a treatment for Zaatul Janb (الجنب ذات) (pleurisy), Warss (ورس), Qust (قسط), & Zait (زيت) (olive oil) & take at one side of mouth (يُلَدُّ). : Reference Ibn Ma-jah: 3596; Book no. 31; In English volume no. 4 Book 31, Hadees no 3467.
3. Hazrat Zaid Bin Arqam رضي الله عنه says that Rasool Allah صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم ordered us to use Qustul Bahri (القسط البحرى) (white coloured kustha) & Zait (زيت) (olive oil) for Zaatul Janb (ذات الجنب) (pleurisy) : Reference Tirmizi: 2223; Book no. 28; In English volume no 4; Book no. 2; Hadees no. 2079.
Qust, a treatment for Azrah (throat infection)
4. Hazrat Anas Bin Malik رضي الله عنه says that Rasool Allah صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم said “To your children during Azrah (العذرة) (their throat infection), do not press their throat & do not give them Azaab (pain) you have Qust (القسط) (use it). : Reference Bukhari: 5696; Book no. 76; In English volume no. 7; book no.71; Hadees no 599.
5. Hazrat Jabir Bin Abdullah رضي الله عنه says that Rasool Allah صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم said “Oh! Ladies, it is a matter of sorrow for you, that you kill your children “If any children have Azrah (العذرة) (swelling in throat) or headace (براسه اووجع), than take Qust Al Hindi rub (هندى قسطا) it in (some) water & (the paste) should be licked. : Reference Mustadrak Al Hakim: 7456.
6. Hazrat Jabir Bin Abdullah رضي الله عنه says that Rasool Allah صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم said “Do not burn the throat of your children, you have Qust Al Hindi (هندى قسطا) & Warss (ورس) make your children lick them. : Reference Mustadrak Al Hakim: 8239.
7. Narrated by Umme Qais Bint Minsaan رضي الله عنها that she took her son to Nabi صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم who was suffering from Azrah (throat infection) & she had press his throat part, Nabi صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم saw the child & said “Why do you press your children & you should use Al-Ud hind (Aloe wood) for it, there are 7 cures, it should be inhaled for Azrah (throat infection) & taken by mouth for Zatul Janb (pleurisy). : Reference Ibn Ma-jah: 3590; Book no. 31; In English volume no. 4; Book 31, Hadees no 3462.
8. Narrated by Hazrat Jabir Bin Abdullah رضي الله عنه once Nabi صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم come to his home, & saw a child who was brought, which was having bleeding from mouth & nose. Nabi صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم asked about it? Hazrat A’isha رضي الله عنها replied that the child is suffering from Azrah (العذرة) (throat infection), Nabi صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم said, Alas! ladies, you use to kill your children like this, In future, any children gets Azrah (العذرة) (infection in throat) or headace (راسه جع فى اوو) rub Qust Al Hindi (هندى قسطا) & make the child lick. Hazrat A’isha رضي الله عنها did as said, & the child became healthy. : Reference Musnad Abi-Yaa’la: 1912.
9. It was narrated from Hafsah from Umm Atiyyah رضي الله عنها from Nabi صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم, that He صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم granted a concession to the woman whose husband has died, allowing her to use Qust and Azfar when purifying herself following her menses. : Reference An-Nasa’i: 3542; Book no. 27; In English volume no. 4; Book 27, Hadees no 3572.
Content of it & its oil
Campher, Phellanderene, Jerpene, Alcohol, A-cosrtene., B-costene, Aplotaxene, A-costene, Aplotarene, Costol, Dy-hydrocostus, lactone, Costus Lactone, ustic acid.
Scientific benefits
1. Beneficial in all types of phlegmatic diseases, diarrhea, cholera, genital wash (after menstrual cycle).
2. It is helpful in alopecia, Tinea versicolor, ringworms.
3. It increases complex.
4. It is a blood purifier, anti septic, anti spasmodic.
5. Best in bronchial asthma, paralysis, facial palsy, chloasma, cough & cold, throat infection
Science & Hadees regarding Qust
Qust & Zait (olive oil) use together
Qust is an anti-bacterial herb with a very good effect & olive oil increases in medicinal actions & both enhances act of each other.
A research on Qust for pleurisy (zatul Jamb) & other lungs disease
Anti-bacterial effect of Indian costus (Qust ul Hind) and sea-Qust and their water extracts on some pathogenic bacteria of the human respiratory system AL-Kattan, Manal Othman Faculty of Science (Girls), Department of Microbiology, King Abdul Aziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. (Accepted on 4 May, 2012).
The pathogenic bacteria of the human respiratory system are characterized by resistance to most antibiotics. Staphylococcus aureus and Klebsiella pneumonia are some of the pathogenic bacteria of the human respiratory system which often cause pneumonia, pleurisy and meningitis. Moreover, they are the most prominent strains of bacteria in most hospitals.
Bacterial resistance to antibiotics occurs as a result of excessive usage of antibiotics in the treatment of diseases. For that reason, it is necessary to seek for medical alternatives that are safer for the treatment of these bacteria. Alternative medicine, especially, has revealed many plants and herbs that are used in the treatment for some diseases including respiratory diseases.
The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of the Indian Costus and sea-Qust on the pathogenic bacteria; Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, S. aureus and K. pneumonia. In addition, the effect of the water extracts of the Indian costus and sea-Qust on S. aureus and K. pneumonia was also determined.
Result of the research
The results showed antibacterial effect of two types of dried Costus roots on all tested bacteria, especially in high concentrations. Also, the cold or hot water extract of Indian Costus was highly effective against tested bacteria at 20 to 25% concentration, while the hot extract of sea-Qust was more effective against tested bacteria than its cold extract in all the concentrations used
Conclusion of Hadees
Qust is the best medicine for pleurisy, throat infection mainly in children, take is at one side of mouth, for children prepare paste out of it & make them lick to lick the paste, can be used with olive oil, Warss or etc, can be used to get cleaned during & after menses.