
1. In Hadis & Arabic it is called as Mur. (المر)
2. In Hindi it is called as Bol, Bolam, Hirabol, Polam etc.
3. In Sanskrit it is called as Gars Gandha.
4. In Latin it is called as Commiphora myrrh
5. In English it is called as Mor.


It is called as Mur (المر) in Arabic, the word Mur (المر) means Bitter, it is a gum of a myrrh tree & the gum is called as Myr. (المر)
 Its oil is very famous & called as Oleoresin. It is very famous of Makah, so it is called as Mur Makki.

Nabi صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم’s guidance about it

Arabic words written in below references are the words mentioned in respected Hadees.

Fumigate your houses    

1. Hazrat Abdullah Bin Jaffar رضي الله عنه  says that Nabi صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم said “Fumigate your house with Esheeh (الشيح) , Mur (المر), & Sau’atar (الصعتر) (saatar). : Reference Shaobul Imaan: 5679. Esheeh (الشيح) according to many scholars is dried leaves of Cress (refer Lesson no. 20 Cress) Sau’atar (الصعتر) (saatar) is thymes (refer Lesson no. 31 Sau’atar (الصعتر).

Content of it

Benzyl Benzoate, Benzyl Cinnamagte, Cinnamic acid, Vanilin, Tolure Cinotannol, Curzerene, Furanoendesma, Diene, Beta elemene, Acetyl Epoxyaermacra, Tetraene, Isomer.

Scientific benefits

1. It is anti microbial, suppresses cough.
2. Acts as a local anesthetic agent & anti itching.
3. Reduces sprain, pain, swelling, inflammation.
4. It is a tropical vasodilating agent, perspiration & diuretic agent.
5. Can be inhaled for Bronchitis & etc.
6. Relieves pain, itching, fungal infections, cold sores, hemorrhoids (piles) warts & etc.

Science & Hadees regarding Mur

It is anti bacterial, anti fungal, anti pest & etc, can be used for fumigation, or oral uses.  It has been used as an astringent, antiseptic, anti parasitic, anti tissive, emmenagogue, and antispasmodic agent. It was commonly included in mixtures used to treat worms, wounds, and sepsis

Conclusion of Hadees

1. Fumigate the houses with it along with Cress dried leaves, Saatar; refer the respected lessons of Mur & cress.

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