- In Hadees it is called as Lahm.
- In Hindi & Urdu it is called as
- In English it is called as Meat or
- Shoulder meat & Foreleg is called as Zara’a in
- Back meat is called as Zahr in Had
- Dried meat is called as Qadid in Had
Introduction: –
Meat has been a big part of eatables among human since many years & is eaten worldwide. Human eat various types of meat of various animals & birds, but we should not eat all types of animals or birds.
Islamic Laws regarding meat: –
Forbidden to you (for food) are: Al-Maytatah (the dead animals – cattle-beast not slaughtered), blood, the flesh of swine, and the meat of that which has been slaughtered as a sacrifice for others than Allah, or has been slaughtered for idols, etc., or on which Allah’s Name has not been mentioned while slaughtering, and that which has been killed by strangling, or by a violent blow, or by a headlong fall, or by the goring of horns – and that which has been (partly) eaten by a wild animal – unless you are able to slaughter it (before its death) – and that which is sacrificed (slaughtered) on An-Nusub (stone altars). (Forbidden) also is to use arrows seeking luck or decision, (all) that is Fisqun (disobedience of Allah I and sin). This day, those who disbelieved have given up all hope of your religion, so fear them not, but fear Me. This day, I have perfected your religion for you, completed My Favour upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion. But as for him who is forced by severe hunger, with no inclination to sin (such can eat these above-mentioned meats), then surely, Allah I is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
According to Hadees: –
In Hadees, following meats are not allowed to be eaten: –
- Animals feeding dirty things, their Meat & Milk both are not allowed to eat or
- Pet Donkey, Pig, Cat, frog, dog, Crow, wild animals (fox, wolf & etc.) meats are not allowed to
- Animals who die, due to drowning & sea animals, which die in the sea & their body
- We are not allowed to cut any body part of an animal, while it is alive &
- Animals & bird which hunt with their claws their meat is not
- Cow meat in not liked to be eaten
Nabi e’s guidance about Meat: –
Meat the top class food: –
- Hazrat Abu Darda says that Rasoolullah e said: At the top among all eatables of Earth & Jannah is Lahm (Meat).
[Ibn Ma-jah: 3430; Book. 29; English vol. 4; Book. 29, Hadees. 3305]
Meat (َلً) liked by Rasoolullah e: –
- Hazrat Abu Darda says that, whenever Rasoolullah e was called for a Feast to eat Lahm (Meat), he accepted it, & whenever
meat was sent, He e accepted it.
[Ibn Ma-jah: 3431; Book. 29; English vol. 4; Book. 29, Hadees. 3306]
Prohibited to eat or drink milk of animals which eat dirty stuffs: –
- Narrated by Abdullah Ibn Umar that Nabi e prohibited
neither eating the animal meat which feeds on filth nor drinking its milk. [Abu Dawud: 3785; Book. 28; English Book. 27; Hadees. 3776]
Swine & dead meat prohibited: –
- Narrated by Abu Hurairah that Nabi e said, Allah (has)
forbade wine & the price paiَd ْfor it & forbade dead meat & the price
paid for it & forbade swine the price paid for it.
[Abu Dawud: 3485; Book. 24; English Book. 23; Hadees. 3478]
Donkey’s meat prohibited to eat: –
- Narrated by Ibn Umar that Nabi e prohibited the eating of donkey’s meat. [Bukhari: 5522; Book. 72; English vol. 7; Book. 67; Hadees. 431]
Prohibited meat of animals who have fangs: –
- Narrated by Abu Sa’labah that Nabi e forbade the eating of the meat of beasts having
[Bukhari: 5530; Book. 72; English vol. 7; Book. 67; Hadees. 438]
(Please refer the next lesson Prohibited eatables & drinks).
About meat of shoulder or fore leg (اىشرع) (Al-Zaraa’a): –
- Hazrat Abu Hurairah says that, Lahm (Meat) of shoulder (Al-Zaraa’a) (of Goat) was sent for Rasoolullah e because
Rasoolullah e liked it, & Nabi e ate it by cutting & pulling the cooked meat with His e (respected) teeth.
[Tirmizi: 1837; Book. 25; English vol. 3; Book. 23, Hadees. 1837]
- Narrated by A’isha that the foreleg (shoulder) was not the part of the meat that the Rasoolullah e liked most, but He e would not get meat (every time) but occasionally. So it would be hastened to Him e because it cooks quickly”.
[Tirmizi: 1838; Book. 25; English vol. 3; Book. 23, Hadees. 1838]
Lahm (َلً) (Meat) of back (Al-Zahr) (اىظيص), the best: –
- Hazrat Abdullah Bin Jafar Ibn Zubair says that, he slaughtered a camel for people (to eat) & said, people were cutting meat of back of the camel (Al-Zahr) for Rasoolullah e because Nabi e liked it
& Rasoolullah e use to say: “The best part of the meat is Al-Zahr (اىظيص) (back meat).
[Ibn Ma-jah: 3433; Book. 29; English vol. 4 Book. 29, Hadees. 3308]
- Hazrat Abdul Bin Jafar says that Nabi e said: “The best part to eat meat is of back (Al-Zahr).
[Shamaa’il Muhammadiyah: 171; Book. 26; English Book. 25; Hadees. 162]
About Lahm (Meat), Wazoo & Salah (Namaz): –
- Hazrat Abdullah Bin Al-Haris says that, we ate roasted meat with Rasoolullah e & after eating Rasoolullah e cleaned His (respected) Hands with a stone & offered Salah (Namaz) without doing
[Ibn Ma-jah: 3436; Book. 29; English vol. 4; Book. 29, Hadees. 3311]
(May be Rasoolullah e were in Wazoo).
- Hazrat Amr Bin Ummiyah says that he saw Rasoolullah e having roasted shoulder meat of a goat in His (respected) Hand & He
e was cutting & eating the meat, since than Rasoolullah e was called for Salah (namaz), Rasoolullah e kept the meat & knife & stood up & offered Salah (Namaz) without doing Wazoo.
[Bukhari: 5408: Book. 70; English vol. 7; Book. 65; Hadees. 319]
(May be Rasoolullah e were in Wazoo).
- Hazrat Mughirah Bin Shaibah says that “One night I was guest of Rasoolullah e, He e specially offered roasted leg meat & Himself cut the meat with knife & use to give
[Abu Dawud: 188; Book. 1; English Book. 1; Hadees. 188]
- Hazrat Umme Salma says that she gave to Rasoolullah e
roasted front leg of a goat to which Nabi e ate & than offered Salah (Namaz) without doing Wazoo.
[Tirmizi: 1829; Book. 25; English vol. 3; Book. 23, Hadees. 1829]
- Hazrat Abdullah Bin Al-Hars says that we ate roasted meat with Rasoolullah e in
[Shamaa’il Muhammadiyah: 165; Book. 26; English Book. 25; Hadees. 156]
About Salah, Wazoo & Lahm (meat): –
- Hazrat Ibn Abbas says that “Nabi e took out a piece of
meat from a cooking vessel (which was kept for cooking) ate it & went to offer Salah without doing Wazoo.
[Bukhari: 5405; Book. 70; English vol. 7; Book. 65; Hadees. 316]
(Means Nabi e were in Wazoo).
About Qadid (dried Meat): –
- Hazrat Ibn Masood says that, one person came to Rasoolullah e & due to honor & respect, his body started to tremble (tremors), seeing this, Rasoolullah e said, I am not a King, I am Son of a (poor) Lady, who ate Qadid (dried meat).
[Ibn Ma-jah: 3437; Book. 29; English vol. 4; Book. 29, Hadees. 3312]
Qadid (اىلسًس) is dried meat, means salt is applied to meat & kept for
drying, so that they can use it, whenever necessary, poor people of that time use it.
About Cannon Bone (Paya): –
- Hazrat A’isha غهنا هللا ريض says that, we use to keep (separate) the
Cannon bones (Paya) of Qurbani animals for Rasoolullah e because Rasoolullah e would eat them 15th days after Qurbani.
[Ibn Ma-jah: 3438; Book. 29; English vol. 4; Book 29, Hadees. 3313]
About Chicken: –
- Narrated by Zahdam that Abu Moosa Ashari said that he saw Nabi e eating
[Tirmizi: 1827; Book. 25; English vol. 3; Book. 23, Hadees. 1827]
About Meat of Bustard (A type of bird) (Hubaari): –
- Narrated by Ibrahim Bin Umar Bin Safinah said from his father, from his grandfather that he ate meat of Bustard (a type of
bird) with Nabi e.
[Tirmizi: 1828; Book no. 25, English vol. 3; Book. 23, Hadees. 1828]
(Bustard in Hadees is called as Hubaari).
About rabbit’s meat: –
- Narrated by Hisham Bin Zaid that he heard Anas Bin Malik
saying that, Nabi e has eaten Rabbit’s meat.
[Tirmizi: 1789, Book 25, English vol. 3; Book. 23; Hadees. 1789]
(It is a part of a long Hadees).
Two dead & two types of blood as Halal: –
- Hazrat Abdullah Bin Umar says that Nabi e said: “Two
dead things & two types of blood are allowed (to eat), the two dead things are Fish & Locusts (Jarad), & two types of blood are Liver & Spleen”. [Ibn Ma-jah: 3439; Book. 29; English vol. 4; Book. 29, Hadees. 3314]
Locusts (In Hadees they are called as Jaradh) are type of eatable grasshopper green, in Hindi & Urdu they are called as Tidda.
Cure for Irqun Nisa (sciatica): –
- Hazrat Anas Bin Malik says that Nabi said: “The cure for Irqun-Nisa(lower back pain) is in fat-tail of Bedouin
- sheep, its fats should be melted & divided into 3 parts & each part (should) be taken each day on empty stomach.
- [Ibn Ma-jah: 3592; Book. 31; English vol. 4; Book. 31, Hadees. 3463]
Sciatica is pair of (right & left) thick & large nerve descending from lumber & sacral spine, compression on it by herniated disc giving a radiant pain from lower back to leg or legs & this condition is called as sciatica.
Cow Milk & its ghee the best medicine, but meat of it is disease: –
- Hazrat Mulaika Bint Amr says that Rasoolullah e said:
“There is cure in Cow’s milk, its ghee/butter is beneficial, but its meat has diseases”. [Abu Nuaim: 858]
- Hazrat Abdullah Bin Masood says that Nabi e said: “For your benefit, Cow’s milk is present, its Milk & Ghee are best
medicine, but its meat has diseases”. [Abu Nu-aim: 858]
Increase the gravy: –
- Narrated by Alqamah Bin Al-Muzani says from his father that Nabi e said: “When one of you buys meat, let him increase its gravy, for if you did not get meat you will have gravy; & it is one of the two meats”. [Tirmizi: 1832; Book. 25; English vol. 3; Book. 23, Hadees. 1832]
Increase the gravy to serve it to neighbours: –
- Narrated by Abu Zar that Nabi e said: “Let one of you not consider any good deed (Neki) as unimportant, if you have nothing then meet your brother with a smiling face, if you buy some meat or cook something in a pot, increase the gravy & serve some to your neighbour”. [Tirmizi: 1833; Book. 25; English vol. 3; Book. 23, Hadees. 1833]
Camel’s meat: –
- Narrated by Jabir Bin Samurah that Nabi e commanded us to perform ablution (wazoo) after eating camel meat but not to perform ablution after eating the
[Ibn Ma-jah: 534; Book. 1; English vol. 1; Book. 1, Hadees. 495]
Contents of Meat: –
It has protein, sulphur, phosphorus, copper, iron, magnesium, calcium, potassium, sodium, carbohydrates, fats, & all vital vitamins. Goat Meat is loaded with the all the required healthy nutrients for the body in high amounts.
It contains B complex group vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B9, B12), vitamin E, vitamin K, choline, protein, natural fats, betaine, cholesterol, amino acids, minerals (manganese, calcium, iron, zinc, copper, phosphorus, selenium), electrolytes (sodium, potassium), omega 3 Fatty Acids & omega 6 Fatty Acids. It is very nutritional food for the health.
Scientific benefits of meat: –
- It contains low level of saturated fat & cholesterol.
- It contains lower value of saturated fats, cholesterol & high value of unsaturated fats thus it is safe for the heart & reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases & other chronic problem, balances cholesterol Level.
- Unsaturated fats found in it improve the good blood cholesterol (HDL) levels, provides relief from inflammations & keeps heart healthy.
- It helps in maintaining the heart beats, lowering down the blood pressure & reduces the risk of atherosclerosis, coronary heart diseases & keeps the heart healthy.
- It helps in weight control & reduces risk of obesity.
- It contains lean proteins in high amount; low saturated fat, thus helps in controlling weight & reduces the risk obesity,
- Proteins found in it acts as a hunger suppressing agent & keeps the stomach full for longer time thus helps in controlling weight.
- Full of vitamins & nutrients, it contains lots of vitamins & nutrients which help in burning fat.
- It is beneficial during pregnancy, prevents from anemia (low haemoglobin) in pregnancy & prevents from anemia during pregnancy to both mother & baby by increasing the blood hemoglobin level in mother & enhancing blood supply to the baby as it contains high iron level (3mg iron/100g of goat meat) & reduces risk of Iron-deficiency diseases.
- It prevents from other iron-deficiency diseases, reduces the risk of birth defects among new born babies, neural tube defects & etc.
- Nourishes blood cells, it contains high level of vitamin B12 which nourishes the blood cells & makes it healthy.
- Reduces risk of cancer, it has selenium & choline which is very beneficial to be prevented from cancer.
- Makes men powerful & it helps in improving sex power among men as it contains torpedo & bile which enhances the ability of male sexuality.
- Relieves menstrual pain & it helps in iron recovery among women during menstruation & provides relief from the menstrual pain.
- Makes skin glowing & healthy & it provides better nourishment to the skin & makes it healthy, soft, supple, glowing & smooth, provides relief from skin problems.
- It provides relief from skin problems like psoriasis, eczema or acne & other problem by nourishing the skin, effective in dry skin.
- It also provides relief from the dry skin & rashes problems by making the skin soft & supple.
- Reduces risk of many diseases.
- It reduces the risk of infection, type 2 diabetes & other diseases if eaten regularly & reduces cardio diseases risk.
- It contains low sodium level & high potassium level thus safe food for the heart & prevents from the high blood pressure, risk of stroke, kidney diseases & etc.
- Promotes energy metabolism, it contains niacin vitamin which involves in promoting the energy metabolism.
- Healthy food for bone, teeth & hair, it provides better nourishment to the bones, teeth & hairs thus prevents from osteoporosis, joints pain & toothache & hair loss.
- Strengthens immunity system & it helps in improving the power of immune system & prevents from various infections.
- It prevents from early ageing, It helps in maintaining the functioning of thyroid gland & prevents from the early ageing as it protects from the free radicals, keeps blood sugar under control.
- It normalizes the blood sugar level thus keeps blood sugar level under control among diabetic patients, reduces stress level, it enhances the mood level by preventing from the depression & stress & promotes brain development.
- It enhances the memory power among kids by helping in proper brain development.
- Keeps body healthy & strong.
Goat meat is called as mutton & so mutton cannon bone (leg) soup is very famous, delicious & healthy for the health especially bones. It is rich in calcium & helps in bone building & teeth strengthening. It enhances producing new body cells thus delay the ageing. It is good for weight watchers as it is rich in protein which keeps stomach full longer.
Science & Hadees regarding meat: –
Swine meat prohibited: –
Pigs have no neck that makes it impossible to be slaughtered in the Islamic way (The Halaal way) & thus getting rid of the blood, which contains an abundance of uric acid, a toxic chemical substance that can be injurious to human health.
Diseases caused by eating pork: –
Eating the meat of pig can cause over seventy different types of latent diseases as their body contains many toxins & deadly parasitic worms like tapeworm, roundworm, pinworm, hookworm, etc. If you eat pork you are likely to ingest many of these worms or their eggs into your body! Most dangerous among them is the Tapeworm. These worms can enter the human body through the mouth, anus, nose, or skin, with most species attaching themselves to the intestinal tract. That is why you have to stay away from pigs. Once inside the body, these worms lay eggs & raise a family! The baby worms along with their parents stroll inside your body & can reach any organ easily. If they enter the brain it can cause memory loss. If they enter the heart it can cause heart attack, if they enter the eyes, it can cause blindness & if they enter the liver, it can cause liver damage. Simply, it can damage almost all the organs of the body. One in six people in the US & Canada has trichinosis from eating trichina worms (roundworms), which are found in pork. These worms are found in the flesh of pigs & the diseases caused by eating pork are incurable once it reaches beyond a certain stage.
Pork has very little muscle building material & contains excess fat. This fat gets deposited in the vessels & can cause hypertension (high B.P) & heart attack. Those who consume pork are more prone to obesity because of the high fat content in pork. In this group, blood cholesterol level is frequently higher than normal; pork-eaters are more susceptible to arteriosclerosis (hardening of arteries of heart), which may result in cardiovascular diseases, malfunction of the brain blood- circulation, vascular pathology of the lower limbs, etc.
Influenza or flu is one of the most lethal illnesses that pigs share with humans. This illness is harboured in the lungs of pigs during summer & tends to effect pigs & humans in the cold months. Eating pork also leads to gallstones & noxious diseases. It is one of the filthiest animals on earth. It lives & thrives on muck, faces (shit or poop) or excreta & dirt. Often trash is collected & fed to pigs.
Pigs will scavenge & eat any kind of food, including dead insects, worms, tree bark, rotting carcasses, garbage, small animals & even other pigs. Surprisingly, pigs eat their own babies! They eat anything & everything. Even if pigs are bred in clean & hygienic conditions they are kept together in farms or barns & they simply cannot resist eating filthy substances or shit from other pigs & of their own. They are just filthy by nature.
Another interesting fact is that the pig excretes only 2% of its total uric acid content; the remaining 98% remains an integral part of the body.
Blood prohibited: –
The reason why the blood that is “poured forth” is forbidden to us is because of the information that has become well known & well established nowadays among the doctors & those who carry out medical tests & study microscopic creatures, which is that blood is considered to be the optimum environment for the growth of germs. So if a person drinks blood it is as if he has drunk a “farm” for growing germs, in which the germs can multiply & grow, producing lethal poisons which, as is well known, have extremely harmful effects which result in germs invading the human body resulting in the person contracting contagious & lethal diseases. By cooking or boiling at any degree spores & capsule secreting organism do not get killed & there is no question that blood can be cook or boiled & eaten.
Meat the king of all eatables: –
Meat proteins are excellent they contain all the amino acids that we need, while most plant proteins have a suboptimal amino acid profile, not surprisingly, consumption of animal protein is associated with increased muscle mass & people who eat an omnivorous diet have more muscle than people eating a vegetarian diet. Studies also show that vegetarians have much lower testosterone levels than their meat-eating counterparts. Low testosterone is associated with reduced strength, less muscle mass, more fat gain, depression & reduced self-esteem. Another thing that protein is important for is bone health. The studies show that consumption of protein, especially animal protein, is associated with increased bone density in old age & a lower risk of fractures & much more.
Conclusion of Hadees: –
- Meat is at the top of all eatables on earth & Jannah, accept feast of meat, do not eat meat or drink milk of animals that eat dirty stuffs, bite the meat with teeth, perform wazoo after eating camel meat, try to avoid cow meats, fat tail of sheep are cure for sciatica, increase the gravy & give to neighbors, also give meat as charity.