1. Quranic name is Talh.
2. Reference according to Hazrat Ali & Ibn Abbas.
3. Arabic name is Mawz.
4. In Yemen it is called as Talh.
5. In Hindi & Urdu it is called as Kela.
6. In English it is called as Banana.
Quranic reference of banana: –
Chapter No. 56 Surah Waaqia verse no. 27 to 30: – Allah says in above verses, about the rewards, to those on the right & they will be those on the right hand (they will be) among sidr throne-less (lote) tree & among TALH trees with fruits pilled one above another & in shades long extended.
Means the right path people will get their account (Naama-e-Aamaal) on the day of Qayamah on their right hand & these people will be people of Paradise (Jannah). Those who will get their account (nam-e-aamaal) in left hand will be people of hell (Janhnum). (Chapter No. 56 (Surah) Waaqia verse no. 27 to 30)
References & characters of Banana tree: –
- Al-Tabari says that the phrase in the verse no. 28 means tree loaded with fruits & no throne (on the tree).
2. Hazrat Ibn Abbas narrates that, verse no. 29 means loaded with fruits & Hazrat Ikrimah said, regarding verse no. 28, & 29, they means that they have no thrones & Talh are fruits pilled one above another.
3.The respected companion of Prophet & Tab’ieen says that Talh is Banana & Hazrat Ali & Ibn Abbas says that Talh is Banana & Hazrat Abu Saeed Al-khudri says that Talh refers to banana & the people of Yemen call Banana as Talh.
Conclusion: –
- The Talh tree mentioned in Chapter No. 56 (Surah) Waaqia is tree of Paradise (Jannah). It is a reward from Allah to the righteous people. The description given in Chapter No. 56 (Surah) Waaqia verse no. 27 to 34, matches with 3 types of trees:
- I do not say that the Talh tree mentioned in Chapter No. 56 (Surah) Waaqia are among above tree. But I only try to explain that the character matches with the above plants or trees. Please keep your mind broad.
- It may be confusing to many people, but there are some possible reasons, Allah’s verses are for the whole world & all time. Allah wants us to research, learn & gain knowledge.
Sayings About banana: –
Contents: –
Rich in carbohydrate, sugar, water. It has starch, protein, vitamin C, B1, B2, B6 & B12. Also rich in minerals like potassium, iron, copper, phosphate, fluoride, calcium, cellulose, fibers, melatonin, other hormones & little sodium.
Scientific benefits: –
1. It is easy to digest, it increases digestion
2. It helps in scurvy diseases, flu, bronchitis, exhaustion, weakness & increases weight.
3. Reduces Blood pressure
4. Helps kidney function & protects atherosclerosis (hardening of arteries), teeth problems & etc.
5. Good in diarrhea, liver diseases, gastric ulcers, celiac disease.
6. It is helpful in Sprue diseases.
7. Prevents acidity, acidosis & fermentation in stomach.
8. Maintain pH of stomach, blood & body.
9. Increases urine out-put.
10. Protects stomach linings & its layer.
11. Best for pregnancy & all stomach diseases.
12. Increases sperm counts, libido, youthfulness.
13. It is anti-ageing because it has melatonin.
14. Gives energy, helps brain growth, protects from all types of ulcers.
15. Good for athletes, exercising people, sports persons.
16. Good for children, old & young age people.
17. A good source of pre & post workout (exercise) food.
18. Good in taste.
19. Can be eaten raw or cooked in food.
20. Can be eaten all season.
Quantity & time to eat banana & its uses: –
One or two banana is enough a day for adults & for children up to 6 yrs half banana. Eat early morning, empty stomach or with breakfast. Those who do exercise can have more, 2 banana pre & 2 banana post workout.
It can be taken with milk. Those who have cough & cold can take it with black pepper, turmeric or honey.
Do not eat unripe banana because it has lot of starch. Eat the ripe banana because it is rich in protein, vitamin, calcium etc. Do not eat at night & do not eat with cold stuff.
Do not drink water after eating banana. Do not eat in diabetes & obesity. Raw is used in cooking purpose; making chips etc. Chew it properly. It is used in making jellies, Slices of raw banana are dried & flour is made out of it & used. Breads can be made with its flour. It is best while travelling & journeys.