- It is called A’nab (plural) & I’nab (singular) & in Arabic &
- In Hadees dried Grapes (Raisins) are called as Zabib (اىضبیب).
- In Hindi, Urdu, Persian it is called as Angoor & dried one is called as Munakka,
- In Sanskrit it is called as
- In Latin it is called as Vitis vinifera
- Family is
- In English dried grapes are called as Raisins
Quranic references of Grapes: –
There are 11 references about Grapes in Quran, in singular & plural form.
- Chapter No. 2 (Surah) Baqarah verse no. 266: –
Would any of you wish to have a garden with date-palms and grapes- vines, with rivers flowing underneath.
- Chapter No. 6 (Surah) An’am verse no. 99: –
Out of the date-palm and its sheaths (or spathes) (come) clusters of dates hanging low and near: and (then there are) gardens of grapes, and olives, and pomegranates, each similar (in kind) yet different (in variety).
- Chapter No. 13 (Surah) Ra’ad verse no. 4: –
And in the earth are tracts (diverse though) neighbouring, and gardens of grapes-vines.
- Chapter No. 16 (Surah) Nahl verse no. 11: –
With it He produces for you corn, olives, date-palms, grapes and every kind of fruit.
- Chapter No. 16 (Surah) Nahl verse no. 67: –
And from the fruit of the date-palm and the grape-vine, ye get out wholesome drink and food
- Chapter No. 17 (Surah) Bani-Israel verse no. 91: –
“Or you have a garden of date-palms and grapes, and cause rivers to gush forth in their midst abundantly;.
- Chapter No. 18 (Surah) Kahf verse no. 32: –
And put forward to them the example of two men; unto one of them We had given two gardens of grapes, and We had surrounded both with date-palms; and had put between them green crops (cultivated fields etc.).
- Chapter No. 23 (Surah) Mu’minun verse no. 19: –
Then We brought forth for you therewith gardens of date-palms and grapes, wherein is much fruit for you, and whereof you eat.
- Chapter No. 36 (Surah) Yaaseen verse no. 34: –
And We have made therein gardens of date-palms and grapes, and We have caused springs of water to gush forth therein.
- Chapter No. 78 (Surah) Nabaa verse no. 31-32: –
Verily, for the Muttaqun, there will be a success (Paradise) Gardens and grape yards;.
- Chapter No. 80 (Surah) Abas verse no. 28: –
And grapes and clover plants (i.e. green fodder for the cattle).
Prophet e’s guidance about Zabib (dried Grapes)
Benefits of Dried Grapes: –
- Hazrat Tamim Aldari t once gifted some Raisins (dried grapes) (Munakka) to Nabi e & Nabi e took them in His Hands & said, eat this, it is a healthy meal, removes tiredness, cools the anger, gives strength, makes food sweet smelling, reduces phlegm brightens the face. [Abu Nu-aim: 371]
- Hazrat Ali t says that Nabi e said that for your benefits there are Raisins (dried grapes) (munnaka), these improves the complexion, reduces phlegm strengthens the organs, removes tiredness, improves mood, increases good smell in breath & removes sorrow (grief). [Abu Nu-aim: 319]
Use dried Grapes in inferior complex: –
- Hazrat Ali says that Rasoolullah e said that those who take 21 Raisins (dried grapes) (Munakka) daily, will be free from all diseases which give rise to inferior complex. [Abu Nu-aim: 813]
About dried Grapes sharbat (syrup) (Nabiz): –
- Narrated by Abu Saeed Al-Khudri t that Nabi e forbade (disallowed) mixing Al-Busr (fresh unripen dates) with dried dates, or raisins with dried dates, or raisins with Al-Busr (fresh unripen dates) ,and He e said: ‘Whoever among you (wants to) drink them, let him drink each one of them on its own: dried dates on their own, or Al-Busr on their own, or raisins on their own (Separately)”. [An-Nasa’i: 5568: Book. 51; English vol. 6; Book. 51, Hadees. 5571]
We should not soak the above two together to prepare Nabiz. This nabiz is syrup (sharbat) of the above when soaked in water. We can soak anyone of above & drink the Nabiz but not together. Please see the other Hadees.
- Narrated by Ibn Abbas that “Nabiz would be made for Nabi e & He e would drink it on the same day, or the next day, or the third day & if there was any left He e would throw it away or gave order that it was to be thrown away.” [Ibn Ma-jah: 3525: Book. 30; English vol. 4; Book. 30, Hadees. 3399] (Because it may turns alcoholic after 3 days).
- Ruqaiyah Bint Amr Bin Saad said “I was under the care of Ibn Umar & raisins would be soaked for him & he would drink them in the morning, then the raisins would be left to dry & other raisins would be added to them & water would be poured on top of them & he would drink that in the morning. Then the day after, he would throw them away.”[An-Nasa’i: 5702: Book. 51; English vol. 6; Book. 51, Hadees. 5705] (Please note that the soaked raisins were not eaten). (Grapes syrup (sharbat) means Raisins (dried grapes) were soaked in water for Rasoolullah e & Rasoolullah e use to drink this water, it is called as Nabiz).
- Narrated by A’isha” We used to make Nabiz for Nabi e in a water skin. (Water bag made by animal skin) We would take a handful of dates or a handful of raisins & put them in it, then pour water over it. We would make that in the morning & He e would drink it in the evening, or we would make it in the evening & He e would drink it in the morning.” [Ibn Ma-jah: 3524: Book. 30; English vol. 4; Book. 30, Hadees. 3398] (Means we should soak the raisins for few hours, example 5 to 7 hours or more).
Dates & dried Grapes are prohibited to soak together to prepare Nabiz: –
- Narrated from Ibn Abi Laila, from one of the Companions of Nabi e that Nabi e guided us to never soak Balah (Raw dates) & Tamar (dried dates) together & dried dates Raisins (dried grapes) (together. (For making Nabiz) [An-Nasa’i: 5547: Book. 51; English vol. 6; Book. 51, Hadees. 5549].
- Hazrat Ibn Umar reported that he was forbidden to prepare Nabiz by mixing unripe dates & fresh dates & dates with raisins (Zabib). [Muslim: 1991A; Book no. 36; English Book. 23, Hadees no. 4911]
- Narrated by Jabir t that Nabi e said “Do not mix raisins & dried dates, nor Busr (fresh unripen dates) & Tamar (dried dates)”. [An-Nasa’i: 5555; Book. 51; English vol. 6; Book. 51, Hadees. 5557]
- Hazrat Ibn Abbas اٍغهن هللا ريض reported that Nabi e forbade the mixing of dates & raisins together & mixing of unripe dates & ripe dates together (for preparing Nabiz) & he wrote to the people of Jurash (in Yemen) forbidding them to prepare the mixture of dates & raisins (Zabib) [Muslim: 1990A; Book no. 36; English Book. 23, Hadees. 4910]
About At-tila (thick grapes juice): –
- Narrated by Saeed Bin Al-Musayyab that “When At-tila’ (thickened grape juice) has been cooked & reduced to one-third (by boiling), then there is nothing wrong with it”. [An-Nasa’i: 5723; Book. 51; English vol. 6; Book. 51, Hadees. 5726]
- Abu Raja’ said: “I asked Al-Hasan about At-tila’ (thickened grape juice) that has been reduced to half. He said: ‘Do not drink it”. [An-Nasa’i: 5724; Book. 51; English vol. 6; Book. 51, Hadees. 5727]
Rule of boiling our drinks: –
- Narrated by Abdullah Bin Yazad Al-khatmi that Umar Bin AlKhattab t wrote to him (saying) cook (boil) your drinks until the share of shaitaan is gone, for he has two share & you have one [An-Nasa’i: 5717; Book. 51; English vol. 6; Book. 51, Hadees. 5720] (Means boil till 1/3 is left over & 2/3 is evaporated).
Grapes wine prohibited: –
- Hazrat Tariq Bin Suwayd Hijri t says that he asked to Nabi e that in our land there are grapes which we squeeze (to make wine). Can we drink from it?’ Nabi e answered ‘No.’ I repeated the question & said: ‘We treat the sick with it.’ He e said: ‘That is no cure, it is a disease.” [Ibn Ma-jah: 3629: Book. 31; English vol. 4; Book. 31, Hadees. 3500]
- Hazrat Ibn Umar said: “Khamr is made from five things: From dates, wheat, barley, honey & grapes”. [An-Nasa’i: 5580; Book. 51; English vol. 6; Book. 51, Hadees. 5583]
(We are not allowed to drink khamr (Alcohol).
About seeds & inner pulp of dried grapes: –
- Hazrat Ibn Abbas اٍغهن ريضهللا says that Nabi e said that, eat Raisins (dried grapes) (اىضبیب) (munnaka), but remove its seeds because there an aliment (in it) & there is cure in inner pulp. [Zahbi & Healing with the medicine of the Prophet e page no. 278]
How to use grapes, eat it as follows: –
- Eat raw ripen fruit (means fresh condition).
2. Eat Raisins (dried grapes) of small size or big size.
3. Eat raw either fresh fruit or dried (But not together).
4. Best is soaked in water & drink the water (Syrup).
5. Please wash all types of grapes before use.
6. Open the dried grapes & soak it in water.
7. Seeds can be thrown.
8. Cooked with food & dishes.
9. Can be eaten with watermelon.
10. Eat on empty stomach.
11. Never eat after meals.
12. Best if eaten on empty stomach early morning.
Contents of it: –
protein, calcium, vitamin A, D, C, B1,B2, B12, sugar, carbohydrate, fibers, sodium, potassium, iron, magnesium & etc.
Scientific benefits of grapes: –
It relieves fever, cough & lungs infection. It is good for digestion, constipation, beneficial in all disease, removes weakness & good for skin, organs, etc.
Important please note: –
1. Please wash them before use.
2. Open the dried grapes & soak in water.
3. The seed can be removed & thrown away.
Science & Hadees regarding grapes & dried grapes: –
Grape juice has recently been found to be an important source of Flavonoids that can lower risk for cancer, lowers cholesterol, prevent hardening of the arteries & fight heart disease. In 1996 scientists noticed that although the French ate four times more butter & fats (as Americans) & had higher cholesterol & blood pressure, but they had two & a half times less incidence of heart attacks. (Because French people drink grapes juice more). The general public was thrilled when the conclusion was finally made that the Flavonoids in red wine were responsible. (Wine is Haram), However, We can now celebrate over the recent finding that grape juice contains the same Flavonoids & nutrients as red wine (in about half the concentration) with none of the undesired side effects of alcohol (grapes wine).
Uses of raisins & grapes in cold & cough: –
Grapes & Raisins are one of the most effective home remedies for the treatment of a cough. They tone up the lungs & act as an expectorant (removes cough), it also relieve cold & cough in a couple of days. A cup of grape juice mixed with a teaspoon of honey is advised for cough relief. Grind up 3 ounces of raisins, adding water to make a paste. Add 3 ounces of white sugar & heat the mixture until it forms a sauce. Allow to cool. Take half an ounce of the mixture every night at bedtime.
Conclusion of Hadees: –
- Raisins (dried grapes) removes tiredness, cools anger, strengthens the organ & body, reduces phlegm, improves complexion & mood, brightens the face & increases health. 2. 21 raisins are helpful in diseases or conditions causing inferior complex. Can drink its water soaked overnight (when alone soaked). Do not soak dates & raisins together & nor drink. 3. Do not drink grapes wine or other wine. Do not use thick grape juice until reduces to 1/3 by boiling. Do not use its seeds.