2.In English it is called as Jujube, lote tree, lotus tree.
3. Botanical name is Ziziphus spinachristi and Ziziphus jujube.
4. In Hindi it is called as Ber.
Quranic references of Sidr (السدر)
It is mentioned 4 times in Quran: –
1. Sura Saba, verse no 16.
2. Sura Waaq’ah, verse no 27 to 33.
3. Sura Najm, verse no 7 to 12.
4. Sura Najm, verse no 16-17.
Also in one reference it is called as Paradise tree.
Prophet صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم’s guidance of Sidr (السدر)
Arabic words written in below references are the words mentioned in respected Hadees. You can confirm the references of Hadees at sunna.com & Al-Maktab al-Shamilah (المكتبة الشاملة) also.
Sidrat Al-Muntha at Mehraaj Night
1. Nabi صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم saw Sidrat Al-Muntha (sidr (lote) tree of the utmost boundary) on mehraaj night; its fruits were like pitchers Hajar (like pots). : Reference At-Tibbe Nabawi: 803.
Jannah’s Sidr: –
2. Hazrat Saleem Bin Aamir رضي الله عنه says that, once a man asked Rasool Allah صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم, that Allah Ta’lah has spoken about sidr tree in Quran, and this Sidr has thorns which gives pain to people, Rasool Allah assured him that sidr tree of Jannah will not have thorns & fruit will be in place of thorns, they will have 72 types of colour & taste, & all will be different from each other. : Reference Tafseer Ibn Kaseer volume no. 7; page no. 525.
Benefits of Sidr
3. It is mentioned in Fathul Bari that Nabi صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم guided that, there is no comparison of Sidr (السدر), and there are main 3 benefits (Ausaaf) (اوصاف) of it.Its shade is cooling and (ممدود ظل) is relaxing for the people,
Its fruit is delicious (لذيذ طعام), It has sweet smell (ذكيه واءحة). : Reference Fathul Bari volume no. 7; page no. 313.
Sidr the first eatable of Hazrat ADAM (a.s) on earth
4. Nabi صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم said that Hazrat Adam (a.s) ate this (السدر) fruit the first, on earth among other fruits. : Reference Abu Nu-aim: 805.
Bath the dead body with Sidr water
5. Hazrat Umme Atiya رضي الله عنها says that one daughter of Rasool Allah صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم died, & Rasool Allah صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم told us to give bath to his daughter’s body for odd numbers of time 3 or 5 or more times if you think necessary, with water boiled with Sidr leaves & lastly apply Kaafur (الكافور) or anything made from Kaafur (الكافور سدر) & when you finish inform me. : Reference Bukhari: 1263; Book no. 23; In English volume 2; Book no. 23; Hadees no. 353. According to Bulugh Al-Maram: 544; Book no, 3, In English book no.3; Hadees no. 12 that daughter was Hazrat Zainab رضي الله عنها.
6. Narrated by Ibn Abbas رضي الله عنه that once a sahabhi dead due to fall from camel, his neck got broken and he died, Nabi صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم asked to bath his body with water & leaves of sidr (السدر). (This happened at the time of hajjatul wida). : Reference Bukhari: 1265; Book no. 23; In English volume 2; Book no. 23; Hadees no. 355 & Tirmizi: 990. (Water boiled with sidr leaves is to be used).
7. Hazrat Qais Bin Asim رضي الله عنه narrated that he accepted Islam and Nabi صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم ordered him to perform Ghusl with water and Sidr. : Reference Tirmizi: 605; Book no. ; In English volume no. 2 Book No. 1, Hadees no 605.
Content of it
carbohydrates, sugars, fibers, protein, vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5, B7, C,A, protein, calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, zinc, selenium, copper, volatile oils, sulphur Etc.
Scientific benefits of Sidr (ber)
Science & Hadees regarding Sidr (jujube)
1. “It is Mashru` (Islamically prescribed) for anyone who wants to embrace Islam to first say Shahadah then perform Ghusl. This is according to many Hadees. It was narrated by Qays ibn `Asim that when he wanted to embrace Islam, Prophetﷺ ordered him to perform Ghusl using water and Sidr & also to give bath to dead body with it, because it has Natural cleansing agent like soap (Contains saponins, tannins, anti-bacterial agents and alkaloids).
2. Sidr for washing the dead: Add one cup of sidr powder to a bucket of water. Make it frothy with your fingers before using.
3. Sidr for hair and body: Add 1 tablespoon of powdered sidr to approximately 1 cup of warm water. Mix it vigorously with your fingers to make it frothy and like soap suds. Wash your hair with it, leave on for a few minutes while washing the rest of your body, then rinse out completely. A day after hair has been washed with sidr it will be shiny and full of volume Insha Allaah!
Bath the dead body with water boiled with Sidr. A’dam (a.s) ate Sidr fruit first on earth among all fruits. Its tree, fruit all are beneficial. In Jannah Sidr will have 72 types of colour & taste & will have no thorns.